【English Report】新聞記事取材とマリエント


On Thursday, March 22, a reporter for Daily Tohoku Newspaper came to interview Gerome.

At first, we were going to have the reporter cover his way of fieldwork outdoors, but on account of the bad weather, she interviewed him at KD plaza of Hachinohe Institute of Technology.

He was asked what he thought about Hachinohe after staying a few weeks and he told her that he was surprised at snow and he enjoyed Senbei-jiru but he did not like raw fish so much.

After the interview was over, we went to HachinoheCity fishery science museum, Mariento. He observed fish which inhabited in the cold water off Hachinohe, played with fish which we were allowed to touch and took photographs of "round things" which he used as the theme of his original artworks.

He looked very happy.









Artist in Residence Hachinohe 2017年より、青森県八戸市をベースにAIR(アーティストインレジデンス)や、プロジェクト等を行っています。 AIR-H was established in 2017. We are organizing AIR programme, and art projects in Hachinohe-city, Aomori, Japan.